Passionate, patient, caring, enthusiastic and fun – the team at St Gregory’s are all of these and much more besides.

Mrs Jill Farndale
Executive Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Kelly McCall
Executive Deputy Head, Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Hayley Shears
SENDCo and Inclusion Leader, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Michelle Cook-Paine
Senior Teacher, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead.
Hedgehogs Class Teacher Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday

Mrs Lucy Chalke
Foxes Class Teacher

Miss Bethan Gale
Badgers Class Teacher

Mrs Vicky Dike
Hedgehogs Class Teacher - Thursday
Meet Our Teaching Assistants

Mr Hein Wolmarans
Teaching Assistant EYFS

Mrs Annette Andrews
Teaching Assistant KS1 and KS2

Mrs Katie Coling
Teaching Assistant KS1 and KS2, ELSA

Mrs Janet Irvine
Teaching Assistant KS2

Mrs Edina Bartlett
Teaching Assistant KS2
Mr Max McCall
Teaching Assistant - KS2
Mrs Samme Miles
Teaching Assistant
Meet our Non Teaching Staff

Mrs Laurie Shea
School Admin Officer

Mrs Lesley Ball
Midday Supervisor

Mrs Sandy Northam
Wrap Around Care Club Lead, Cleaner

Mr Matt Collen
Kitchen Assistant